IBOA ( claimed,arylate -based substances  present within adhesive part  of glucose  sensorscould  be rsponsible for skin reaction ) ...please read the above article of one well-known arcylate used : IBOA or :Isobornyl Acrylate

In order for a sensor to measure glucose from interstitial fluid (ISF);sensor needs to be in  contact with with skin for  days.

Usually, anything covers our skin for any period could induce unwanted reaction  even the covering material is free from any chemical /synthetic material .

sweating and humidity -alone-may irritate our skin  .

moreover ,the contents of the adhesive material of the sensor is not well disclosed by manufacturers so in may personal opinion to try it ,and if skin reaction develops ,seek a help from your practitioner ,NEVER prejudge ,skin reaction is vague and and unpredictable !!!

the following are useful points-may help- but again TRY before any JUDGMENT:

                                                               Allergy Culprits

Several adhesives are known to cause allergy symptoms. Those include:

  • Acrylates (polymer, conjugate base,salt ester )

Acrylate is a simple chemical that creates stickiness in many adhesives, says Fowler. Different types of acrylates are used in patch adhesives, infusion sets, and glue in pumps and CGMs. Depending on how they’re processed for use, some acrylate chemicals, particularly those used for sticky liquids, powders, and pastes, can cause allergic reactions.

  • Colophony (transparet ,resin-like /rosin) extracted from pines )

Colophony is a natural adhesive that comes from rosin, which is derived from the sap of pine and spruce trees. It is used as the sticky ingredient in some adhesive wipes, such as Skin Tac, says Katta. Some people swipe one of these wipes over their insertion site (but not where the sensor needle pierces the skin) before sticking on a sensor or infusion set. Using such adhesive wipes may help the sensor or set stay in place, but because colophony can cause allergic reactions, skin wipes must be used with caution.

  • Mastisol (gum ,alcohol, salsylate  and  benzoic acid )

This liquid adhesive is also used to help keep infusion sets and CGM sensors in place: Spray it on the skin (avoiding the spot where the sensor will insert), let it dry, then affix the set or sensor. If you have sensitive skin, it may be best to avoid this adhesive. Katta says mastisol is a common cause of allergic reactions.

Skin Savers

Whether your skin reaction is from irritation or allergy, check out these expert recommendations to help treat your rash so you can continue to wear your device.

Skin Strength

One way to prevent irritation from adhesives is to adopt a good skin care routine. This can help you protect and strengthen your skin barrier so it’s not as prone to irritation, says Katta.

Try this: Once you step out of the shower, pat your skin with a towel (you want skin a little damp) and apply moisturizer. “That locks in the moisture and helps provide strengthening to the skin barrier so it’s not as prone to dryness and irritation,” says Katta.

A good skin care regimen is as much about what you don’t do as what you do. Skip harsh soaps and long, hot showers, which can damage the skin barrier. Instead, take a 10- to 15-minute shower in lukewarm water.

Sticky Situations

When something stays in contact with the skin for long enough, it can cause irritation—whether you have sensitive skin or not. “I’ve seen a similar reaction just from [medical] tape being left on the skin for two days straight,” says Katta. The combination of sweat and a long-wear adhesive is enough to cause irritation in some people, so it’s no wonder that sensor adhesives and infusion sets, which stay on for multiple days, can trigger a reaction. “Just the stickiness, the pressure [of the device], and the friction on the skin of pulling the pad of [your device off] can irritate the skin,” says Fowler.

The first thing he recommends for people with irritation is to alternate from one side of the body to the other with each insertion. That’ll give the skin beneath the adhesive on a just-used site some time to recover. Sometimes skin care products can get stuck under the adhesive, causing irritation or allergy, says Katta. Steer clear of products with fragrance additives, formaldehyde preservatives (such as quaternium 15 and bronopol), and methylisothiazolinone, all of which can be extra irritating for people with sensitive skin

                                                                   Irritation vs allergy



chafed, scaly, or dry exactly where the adhesive sits on the skin

allergic reactions often spread beyond the skin directly underneath the adhesive patch. “It’s more of an intense reaction,

Less intense

Get worse with every exposure

  • Both could result in  flaky, red, painful however swelling and blisters  are associated with allergic reaction 
  • It is difficult to figure out what is the causative agent since exact ingredient of adhesive sensor in all CGM sensors  are not well-known
  •     Eczema vs Atopic contact dermatitis (ACD)

For eczema, certain foods, animal dander, and dust mites can trigger flare-ups. Stress and changes in climate have also been associated with eczema flares. For ACD, these factors are not as important—the main trigger is just continued to exposure to the culprit chemical.

Eczema and ACD can look very similar on the skin. Both appear as patches of itchy, pink, dry and flaky skin. The location of the rash on the body can sometimes provide important clues. Eczema is often seen on the inner knees or elbows (mainly in children) but can also show up on the hands, neck, face and legs. Individuals with eczema can also have itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, and itchy and runny nose. ACD lacks these associations and the distribution on the skin is based on where the culprit chemical is getting in contact with the skin.

Topical antihistamines may relieve itching and ameliorate skin sensitivity reaction.

useful link about contact dermatitis

skin irritation